The fourth Lecture on Frontiers in Humanities organized by the Institute of Advanced Studies in Humanities and Social Sciences (IAS) was successfully held at the Lecture Hall of the Cultural Building (E34) on 10 December 2021 (Friday). Professor Xiang Yu-tao, Senior Research Fellow of the IAS and Head of the Department of Public Health and Medicinal Administration of FHS, was invited to give a lecture on the topic “Clinical studies on mental health during the Covid-19 pandemic: Changes and Progress”, and share his fruitful research achievements in the field of mental health. Professor Zhang Juan, Associate Professor of the Faculty of Education, was invited to be the moderator.

The lecture adopted a combination of online and offline mode and attracted professionals, students, alumni, and external audience from different academic background. During the lecture, Professor Xiang divided the Covid-19 pandemic into four stages and thoroughly introduced about his lab publications in the field of mental health in each stage during the pandemic. In addition, Professor Xiang also concluded the clinical studies on Covid-19 globally and discussed about the shortages and expectations, which deepened the audience’s understanding of mental health as well as the pandemic.

This lecture belongs to the cluster of “New Opportunities at the Intersection of Humanities and Sciences” of the IAS. The IAS will continue to launch high-quality academic activities in major research fields, to promote cross-border cooperation and diversified dialogue in various fields of humanities and social sciences, and contribute to the construction of an interdisciplinary, multi-field and high-level university research platform.