Religion Without God
Translator: Xingzhong YU(2024)

Postwar and Postmodern Japan: Its Continuities and Discontinuities
Shaoyang LIN(2023)

The Tower of Babel of Big Data: Law and Justice in the Age of Intelligent Technology
Xingzhong YU(2023)

The Chinese translation of Street Culture in Chengdu (1870-1930)
Di WANG(2023)

Rule of Law and Civil Orders 
Xingzhong YU(2022)

Small voice of history

Di WANG(2022)

Dust of history: A special volume of microhistory
Di WANG(2022)

Digital Literacy: From Algorithmic Society to Web 3.0 
Xingzhong YU(2022)

Amazing everyday successes: Chinese society and people under microhistory
Di WANG(2022)

The street corner teahouse

Di WANG(2021)

Entering the inside of the Chinese city: Exploring history from the lowest-level society
Di WANG(2020)

Chengdu under the microscope
Di WANG(2020)

From quantitive, narrative to text analysis: Transformation of empirical methodologies of social history
Di WANG(2020)

The lost ancient city: Everyday life and memories in late-Qing and early Republican Chengdu
Di WANG(2019)

Violence and Order on the Chengdu Plain: The Story of a Secret Brotherhood in Rural China, 1939-1949
Di WANG(2018)

The Teahouse under Socialism: The Decline and Renewal of Public Life in Chengdu, 1950-2000 (1950-2000)
Di WANG(2018)

Revolution by Means of Culture: The Late Qing Revolution and Zhang Taiyan from 1900 to 1911
Shaoyang LIN(2018)

Methodology in Civil Adjudications
Bing SHUI (2018)

Breaking up a closed world: Social transformation of the upper Yangzi region, 1644-1911
Di WANG(2018)