The Excellent Publication Scheme is launched by the IAS to encourage UM academic staff excellent in research to publish their specialised research outcomes in world-class publishing platforms in their respective fields. The support for each project will last for up to one year. Successful candidates will receive funding so that they can appoint substitute teachers to alleviate their teaching workloads, cover some of their publishing expenses, or pay for their or their postgraduate students’ attendance at international academic conferences.

Candidates should have completed the main body of their works to be published. In other words, at least 80% of a book or the first draft of a research paper should have been finished. Ideally, publication contracts, or initial assessment and revision requirements should be provided.

Fellows will still work in their original units, but should actively participate in the IAS academic activities, and timely submit academic outputs to the Office of the IAS for record as required.

  • Requirements

The main body of the research prepared for publication must be completed, i.e., 80 percent or the whole draft has been ready. It is preferable if the applicants can provide acceptance letter/contract or initial comments and requirements of revision from the journals or publishers. The Fellows of Excellent Publication Scheme continue to use their office at the home departments. However, they should actively participate in the academic activities of IAS and submit the outcomes to the Office of IAS in due course for the purpose of record.

  • Support

To encourage UM’s regular academic staff to apply for the Fellows of Excellent Publication Scheme, IAS will provide successful applicants with one-time funding to relieve their teaching duties by recruiting substitute teachers, and/or to cover some expenses of publication and staffing.

The duration of the aforementioned programme is normally for 6 months. Longer duration will be treated as exceptional cases.

  • Ways of Application
    1. UM faculty who plan to apply the Excellent Publication Scheme using their sabbatical leave can directly apply to IAS after filling out Section One to Section Three of the form listed below. They will sign a mutual agreement with IAS upon the approval of their application. The research outcomes should be counted towards the outcomes of their affiliated academic unit after the fulfillment of the agreement.
    2. Applicants without sabbatical leave should seek the consent of the affiliated department and faculty. Section Four of the application form must be completed by the department head and faculty dean. Applicants will sign the tripartite agreement with their affiliated faculty and IAS upon the approval of their application. The research outcomes should be counted towards the outcomes of their affiliated academic unit after the fulfillment of the agreement.

      Application form for IAS Excellent Publication Scheme: Word