2024-03-28T16:58:15+08:002024-03-28|News and updates|

Visit Summary

A delegation from Jilin University recently visited the University of Macau. On 26 March, Prof. He Lai, deputy director of the Center for Fundamentals of Philosophy of Jilin University visited the Institute of Advanced Studies in Humanities and Social Sciences (IAS). Prof. He was warmly received by the representatives of the Faculty of Arts and Humanities and IAS including Prof. Wang Qingjie, Associate Dean of FAH, Prof. Xingzhong Yu, Director of IAS, Prof. Di Wang, Associate Director of IAS, Prof. Shui Bing, Associate Director of IAS, and Prof. Lin Shaoyang, Head of Academic Programme and Publication of IAS. The two parties held in-depth discussions on strengthening cooperation in the field of philosophy and social sciences.