The Boya Book Launch – “The EU Artificial Intelligence Act Regulating Subliminal AI Systems” was successfully held on February 17 at the Auditorium, University Gallery (E1). Professor Rostam J. NEUWIRTH, Head of the Department of Global Legal Studies of FLL, was invited to share insights on his new book publication entitled “The EU Artificial Intelligence Act Regulating Subliminal AI Systems”. Professor Xingzhong YU, Director of IAS and Chair Professor of the Department of Global Legal Studies of FLL, was invited to moderate the talk.

Professor Neuwirth first introduced the term artificial intelligence as an oxymoron from the perspective of the psychology of intelligence. Intelligence, by nature, cannot be artificial and its inestimable complexity defies any notion of artificiality. He then discussed the role of subliminal al as a game changer. AI is evolving so fast that if we do not control our minds, someone else will likely control our minds for us. We need to recognize the profound and dynamic positive and negative impacts of artificial intelligence (Al) on societies, the environment, ecosystems, and human lives.

From the legal point of view, freedom of thought is a fundamental human right. In the age of neuroscientific insights and interventions, it is particularly important. Professor Neuwirth reconstructs the scope and meaning of this right in the book and proposes four principles for its interpretation. The professor discussed “neuro crimes” to refer to criminal activities that involve neural information. Brain hackers can deduce private information such as banking information, recognized faces, and PINs. This type of attack can also be performed subliminally, without the conscious awareness of the target. Finally, he suggested that we need to strengthen the regulation of AI, especially Regulating Subliminal AI Systems.

Experts and students engaged in lively discussions on the topic of artificial intelligence technology and exchanged views on standardizing subliminal artificial intelligence systems.