單位 澳門大學
院系  教育學院
最高學歷 北京師範大學哲學博士
駐訪時間  2021/09 – 2022/09
  • 早期兒童教育
  • 漢語與漢語教學
  • 教育和學習技術


  • Sit, P.S., Cheung, K.C., Ieong, M.K., & Mak, S.K. (2021). Students’ frequent exposure to bullying: Comparing between low-achieving students of Macao and Taiwan in PISA 2015 Well-being Study. Educational Psychology, 41(3), 302-319. [DOI: 10.1080/01443410.2021.1876214] [SSCI]
  • Marôco, J. Assunção, H., Harju-Luukkainen, H., Lin, S.W., Sit. P.S., Cheung, K.C., Maloa, B., Ilic, I.S., Smith, T., Campos, J. (2020). Predictors of academic efficacy and dropout intention in university students: Can engagement suppress burnout? PLoS ONE, 15(10): e0239816. [DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0239816] [SSCI]
  • 麥瑞琪、張國祥、楊文佳、薛寶嫦 (2020)。從澳門某所中學的科學教育實踐案例探討學校多元評量實施的過程。科學教育學刊,28(S), 457-482。。[Mak, S.K., Cheung, K.C. Ieong, M.K., & Sit, P.S. (2020). Through a case study of science education of a Macao school examining processes of implementation of multiple assessment. Chinese Journal of Science Education, 28(S), 457-482.] [DOI:10.6173/CJSE.202012/SP_28.0003] [TSSCI, 2019 Knowledge Impact Award Journal]