
道德愚人: 置身道德高地之外
Affective Spaces: The Cultural Politics of Emotion in China
Shih-Diing Liu (2024)
道德愚人: 置身道德高地之外
Hans-Georg Moeller (2023)
The Many Lives of Yang Zhu: A Historical Overview
Ting-mien Lee, co-edited with Carine Defoort(2023)
You and Your Profile: Identity after Authenticity
Hans-Georg Moeller (2021)
The Bloomsbury Research Handbook of Chinese Aesthetics and Philosophy of Art
Hans-Georg Moeller, co-Edited with Marcello Ghilardi (2021)
Chinese State Owned Enterprises and EU Merger Control
Alexandr Svetlicinii (2021)
Yue Zhang 張月 (2020)
General Discourses of Civil Law and the General Part of the Macau Civil Code, Vol. II
Io Cheng Tong, Kin Fong Sou, Kei Kei Ng (2020)
João de Mato Antunes Varela, Das Obrigações em Geral, Vol. II
Translated by Zhe Ma, Kam Tim Chan, Kei Kei Ng& Io Cheng Tong(2020)
The Politics of People: Protest Cultures in China
Shih-Diing Liu (2019)
Book Translation: Chinese Landscape Painting as Western Art History
Yiqing Li (2019)
出版年份 著作名稱 作者
2024 “Daoist Economic Ethics.” Co-authored with Rory O’Neill. In: Albino Barrera and Roy C. Amore (eds.) The Oxford Handbook of Religion and Economic Ethics. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press, 2024. 128-146. Hans-Georg Moeller
2024 An Adaptive Control Framework for Mixed Autonomy Traffic Platoon Zhenning Li
2024 Efficient and robust estimation of single-vehicle crash severity: A mixed logit model with heterogeneity in means and variances Zhenning Li
2024 Context-aware trajectory prediction for autonomous driving in heterogeneous environments Zhenning Li
2024 L-TLA: A Lightweight Driver Distraction Detection Method Based on Three-Level Attention Mechanisms Zhenning Li
2024 吳奇琦:《從“人物對立”到“主體客體對立”的近代法學暨哲學範式轉換:論近代理性自然法主義的貢獻》 , 載《羅馬法與現代民法》 第十一卷, 廈門大學出版社,2024

Ng Kei Kei, The Early Modern Juristic-Philosophical Paradigm Shift from “Person-Thing Dualism” to “Subject-Object Dualism”: The Contributions of Early Modern Rationalist Naturalism in Law, in Roman Law and Modern Civil Law, Vol. 11, Xiamen University Press, 2024

Keikei Ng
2024 矢沢久純、呉奇琦:《姓名に対する制限に関する諸外国の議論の状況(3)──特に漢字圏諸国・地区における議論を中心に──》,載日本北九州市立大学《法政論集》第51巻第3・4合併号(2024年3 月),第89至104頁

Yazawa Hisazumi & Ng Kei Kei, Study on the Regulation of the Naming Right in the Chinese Character Cultural Sphere (2), in Journal of Law and Political Science (KITAKYUSHU SHIRITSU DAIGAKU HOU-SEI RONSHU), Vol. 51, No. 3/4, March 2023, University of Kitakyushu, Japan, pp. 89 – 104

Keikei Ng
2024 吳奇琦: 《內特爾布拉特( Nettelbladt) 論權利的取得、喪失、保全》 , 載《羅馬法與現代民法》 第十一卷, 廈門大學出版社,2024

Ng Kei Kei, Nettelbladt on Acquisition, Loss and Conversation of Right, in Roman Law and Modern Civil Law, Vol. 11, Xiamen University Press, 2024

Keikei Ng
2024 Chen Shi, Jianhua Xu* (corresponding author). Surveillance cameras and resistance: A case study of a middle school in China, British Journal of Criminology, DOI: 10.1093/bjc/azad078 Jianhua Xu
2023 記憶、統治與“造宋”文學. Journal of Renmin University of China 中國人民大學學報 (CSSCI), 4 (2023): 159-168. Yue Zhang 張月
2023 漢唐“白虹貫日”解釋範式之轉變及其文化記憶. Journal of Wuhan University 武漢大學學報 (CSSCI) 76, no. 5 (2023): 99-108. Yue Zhang 張月
2023 晚近十年日本陶淵明影響研究管窺 (2010-2019年),  Journal of Chinese Literary Research 中國文學研究 (CSSCI), 3 (2023): 56-64. Yue Zhang 張月
2023 《世說新語》英譯、仿作與“賢媛”傳統——錢南秀教授訪談錄,國際漢學 (CSSCI) International Sinology, 3 (2023): 142-149. Yue Zhang 張月
2023 文化記憶與早期中國文明對談, Ancient Documents and Sinology 漢籍與漢學 (CSSCI), sponsored by Shandong University 山東大學, 1 (2023): 163-176. Yue Zhang 張月
2023 海外咏史怀古诗研究探赜——以傅汉思、高德耀、米欧敏为例.Journal of Chinese Literary Studies 中國文學研究 (CSSCI), sponsored by Fudan University 復旦大學, 36 (2023): 255-271. Yue Zhang 張月
2023 Shi, Wei & Liu, SD. 2023. The Ambivalence of Mother Love: Navigating Maternal Subjects through the TV Drama A Love for Dilemma. Television and New Media Shih-Diing Liu 劉世鼎
2023 Shi, Wei & Liu, SD. 2023. Middle-aged women’s tears: rethinking Chinese popular feminism through Sisters Who Make Waves. Feminist Media Studies. Shih-Diing Liu 劉世鼎
2023 Zhou, Min and Liu, SD. 2023. Regulating tuwei culture and migrant youth through Kuaishou’s platform governance. Policy and Internet. Shih-Diing Liu 劉世鼎
2023 Shi, Wei and Liu, SD. 2023. ‘The wailing wall as affective space’ 「哭墻」作為情感空間, Router: A Journal of Cultural Studies 文化研究36: 273-312. Shih-Diing Liu 劉世鼎
2023 Liu, SD & Shi, Wei. 2023. Politics of ambivalence: how Zhou Shen’s androgyny survives under Xi Jinping, Feminist Media Studies Shih-Diing Liu 劉世鼎
2023 Moreira, J. I. & Zhang, L. (2023), Assessing Credibility in Online Arbitration Hearings: Determining Facts and Justice by Zoom, in International Journal for the Semiotics of Law, 1-15. João Ilhão Moreira
2023 Moreira, J. I. & Ma, Z. (2023) The Arbitrability of Corporate Disputes in Macau: Searching for Answers Under a New Law, Contemporary Asia Arbitration Journal, 16(1), 69-96. João Ilhão Moreira
2023 Moreira, J. I., (2023), A audição de testemunhas por meio de tecnologias audiovisuais: as possibilidades e os limites ao abrigo do código de processo civil de macau, in Tong Io Cheng, Hugo Duarte Fonseca and Ma Zhe, Lex Mercatoria: Estudos em Homenagem ao Professor Augusto Teixeira Garcia, pp. 181-194. João Ilhão Moreira
2023 “Early Confucian “Human Supremacy” and Its Daoist Critique.” Asian Studies 11: 3. 71-92. DOI: 10.4312/as.2023.11.3.71-92 Hans-Georg Moeller
2023 “Transformation: From (Trans-)Gender Roles to Profiles.” Co-authored with Paul D’Ambrosio, Aglaja Stirn, and Jorge Ponseti. The Linacre Quarterly July 27, 2023. Online first publication: DOI:10.1177/00243639231184041 Hans-Georg Moeller
2023 “Kill Stories: A Critical Narrative in the Zhuangzi.” Dao. A Journal of Comparative Philosophy June 29, 2023. Online first publication: DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11712-023-09892-w. Hans-Georg Moeller
2023 “From Technologies of the Self to Identity Technologies.” Co-authored with Paul D’Ambrosio. Concentric: Literary and Cultural Studies 49:2 (September 2023). 3-9. Hans-Georg Moeller
2023 “Gangster Zhi: Comedic Daoist Philosophical Practice.” Journal of Chinese Philosophy 50:1 (April 2023). 17-27. Hans-Georg Moeller
2023 Lane Change Strategies for Autonomous Vehicles: A Deep Reinforcement Learning Approach Based on Transformer Zhenning Li
2023 Construction of Typical Driving Cycle for an Electric Bus Route Based on Real-World Data Zhenning Li
2023 A Deep Reinforcement Learning Approach for Isolated Intersection Traffic Signal Control with Long-Short Term Memory Network Zhenning Li
2023 Dimeric and oligomeric interactions between calcium silicate aqua monomers before calcium silicate hydrate nucleation Zhenning Li
2023 An Efficient Bayesian Robit Model for Traffic Safety Modeling Zhenning Li
2023 Mitigating the impact of outliers in traffic crash analysis: A robust Bayesian regression approach with application to tunnel crash data Zhenning Li
2023 Modern Asian Studies (SSCI, Britain) Yiqing Li
2023 Fong, L. H. N., Lie, S. S. I, Chow, C. W.C and Lam, L. W. 2023 “Sensory marketing in hospitality: A critical synthesis and reflection.” International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 35(8): 2916-2928. (DOI: 10.1108/IJCHM-06-2022-0764) (SSCI; ABS3) Rico Long Wai LAM 林朗為
2023 Zhuo Qiao, Zhaohua Li, Yanzhi (Andrew) Wang (2023), Air pollution and innovation- Evidence from quasi-natural experiment of China’s Huai River Policy, Review of Quantitative Finance and Accounting, 60(2), 425-443. Zhuo Qiao
2023 Fai Lim Loi, Jinghan Chen,Zhuo Qiao (2023), CEO cultural background and corporate cash holdings, Accounting and Finance, Vol 63, 1069–1100. Zhuo Qiao
2023 Factors affecting students’ intention to use mobile Apps for intercultural competence development: A mixed-method approach Mingming Zhou
2023  Technology-based interventions to improve intercultural competence: A meta-analytical review Mingming Zhou
2023 What really matters? Comparing parents’ and adolescents’ perceptions of parental meta-emotion philosophy as predictors of adolescents’ positive mental health Mingming Zhou
2023 Adolescents’ perceived ICT autonomy, relatedness, and competence: Examining relationships to intercultural competence in Great China Region Mingming Zhou
2023 Interventions to promote teachers’ perceptions about STEM education: A meta-analysis Mingming Zhou
2023 Students’ metacognitive judgments in online search: A calibration study Mingming Zhou
2023 The economics of learning: Tradeoffs in student teachers’ use of multipurpose digital portfolios Mingming Zhou
2023 矢沢久純、呉奇琦:《姓名に対する制限に関する諸外国の議論の状況(2)──特に漢字圏諸国・地区における議論を中心に──》,載日本北九州市立大学《法政論集》第50巻第3・4合併号(2023 年3 月),第71至80頁

Yazawa Hisazumi & Ng Kei Kei, Study on the Regulation of the Naming Right in the Chinese Character Cultural Sphere (2), in Journal of Law and Political Science (KITAKYUSHU SHIRITSU DAIGAKU HOU-SEI RONSHU), Vol. 50, No. 3/4, March 2023, University of Kitakyushu, Japan, pp. 71 – 80

Keikei Ng
2023 吳奇琦:《古羅馬拉丁文著述中的substantia(本體)與essentia(本質):以亞里士多德哲學被古羅馬繼受的初期為考察對象》,載麥克雷(Michele Ferrero)主編,北京外國語大學拉丁語言文化中心《拉丁語言文化研究》第11輯,2023,第196至210頁

Ng Kei Kei, Substantia and Essentia in Ancient Roman Latin Writings during the Initial Reception of Aristotelianism in Ancient Rome, in Michele Ferrero (ed.), Journal of Latin Language and Culture, n. 10, Centre for Latin Language and Culture, Beijing Foreign Studies University, 2023, pp. 196 – 210

Keikei Ng
2023 吳奇琦:《內特爾布拉特(Nettelbladt)論權利與義務的概念》,載麥克雷(Michele Ferrero)主編,北京外國語大學拉丁語言文化中心《拉丁語言文化研究》第11輯,2023,第24至30頁

Ng Kei Kei, Nettelbladt on the Concepts of Right and Obligation, in Michele Ferrero (ed.), Journal of Latin Language and Culture, n. 10, Centre for Latin Language and Culture, Beijing Foreign Studies University, 2023, pp. 24 – 30

Keikei Ng
2023 Xu, Jianhua, Xinyue Wang, Guyu Sun. How Sacrifice Spirit Affects Work-Family Conflict among Rank-And-File Police Officers in China. Policing and Society. doi.org/10.1080/10439463.2023.2241967 Jianhua Xu
2023 Zhou You, Jianhua Xu* (corresponding author), Sinan Wu, Shangyi Zhu. Health Fraud against the Elderly in China: The Perspective of Vulnerability Manipulation. Victims & Offenders. Jianhua Xu
2023 Shuai Wei, Anli Jiang, Qipu Hu, Bin Liang, Jianhua Xu* (corresponding author). Conducting Criminological Fieldwork in China: A Comprehensive Review and Reflection on Power Relations in the Field. Criminology & Criminal Justice. doi.org/10.1177/17488958231166. Jianhua Xu
2023 Xu, Jianhua, Guyu Sun, Sinan Wu, Shangyi Zhu, You Zhou. Understanding Health Fraud Offenders in China: An Emotional Labour Perspective. Asian Journal of Law and Society. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1017/als.2023.14 Jianhua Xu
2023 Tang In Lao, Jianhua Xu* (corresponding author). How Casinoization Affects the Police in Macao. Asian Journal of Law and Society. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1017/als.2023.11 Jianhua Xu
2023 Anli Jiang, Donghong He, Siying He, Jianhua Xu*(corresponding author), Qipu Hu. Political Criminology: The Comprehensive Review of British Journal of Criminology 2022 (5), Policing Studies, (蒋安丽/何冬红/何斯颍/徐建华* (通讯作者)/胡启谱. 2023.“政治犯罪学:《英国犯罪学》2022年第5期研究述评”,《警学研究》,第五期,页1-14) Jianhua Xu
2023 Chen Shi, Qingyang Hong, Jianhua Xu*(corresponding author), Haiyan Yang, Shan Fu. 2023. The chain of criminology: The Comprehensive Review of British Journal of Criminology 2022 (4), Policing Studies, (史臣/洪清扬/徐建华* (通讯作者)/杨海燕/傅山. “犯罪学的链条:《英国犯罪学》2022年第4 期研究述评”, 《警学研究》,第五期,页15-23) Jianhua Xu
2023 Yan Zhang, You Zhou, Weidi Liu, Jianhua Xu*(corresponding author). The Comprehensive Review of British Journal of Criminology 2022 (3), Policing Studies, (张彦/周由/刘为地/徐建华* (通讯作者). 2023.“犯罪学的‘铁三角’:《英国犯罪学》2022年第3 期研究述”,《警学研究》,第五期,页24-32) Jianhua Xu
2023 Qipu Hu, Yan Zhang, Jianhua Xu*(corresponding author). The Development and Features of Criminology in Macao, Criminological Studies, (胡启谱/张彦/徐建华* (通讯作者). 2023.“澳门犯罪学的发展与特色”,《犯罪研究》,第四期) Jianhua Xu
2023 Xu, Jianhua, Tang In Lao, Haiyan Yang.. “Trends and Patterns of Crime in Macao during the COVID-19 pandemic”, in Macao Bluebook (徐建华/刘腾然/杨海燕.  “新冠疫情下的澳门犯罪情况分析与变化”, 《澳门蓝皮书2022》) Jianhua Xu
2023 “The Elephant in the Room Turns Twenty: The Effect on Trade and the Enforcement of the EU Competition Law by the National Competition Authorities” Journal of European Competition Law and Practice 14(8): 483-496 Alexandr Svetlicinii
2023 “Much ado about nothing? State-owned enterprises under foreign investment control in the European Union” in Weaponising Investments (Springer), 37-57 Alexandr Svetlicinii
2023 IM, Megumi; VELOSO, João; COSTA, Maria Conceição; JESUS, Luís M. T. 2023. Neutralisation and the perception of close-mid and open-mid vowels: The gradient between phonological categories. In: R. Skarnitzl, J. Volín (Eds.). Proceedings of the 20th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences. Prague: Guarant International, 106-110. João VELOSO
2023 Ting-mien Lee. “Interstate Relational Ethics: Mengzi and Later Mohists in Dialogue.” Religions 14(5). https://doi.org/10.3390/rel14050659 Ting-mien Lee
2023 Ting-mien Lee. “Authorship, Coherence, and Contextualization: Methodology for Interpreting Classical Chinese Philosophical Texts.” Chinese Philosophical Review vol.3: https://chinesephilreview.org/forth.html Ting-mien Lee
2022 Lore and Verse: Poems on History in Early Medieval China. Albany: State University of New York Press. Single author sunypress.edu/Books/L/Lore-and-Verse Yue Zhang 張月
2022 Special issue of Journal of Chinese Humanities 文史哲 (英文版) “New Interpretations of Medieval Chinese Literature” (Brill, 2022), editor. https://brill.com/view/journals/joch/7/3/joch.7.issue-3.xml Yue Zhang 張月
2022 “Reconfiguring History through Literature—Cultural Memory and Mo Yan’s Historical Play Our Jing Ke.” Modern Chinese Literature and Culture (A&HCI and SSCI), 34.1 (2022): 97-127. Yue Zhang 張月
2022 Special issue of Rupkatha Journal on Interdisciplinary Studies in Humanities“Contemporary East and Southeast Asian Literary and Cultural Studies,” co-editor. https://rupkatha.com/v14n1.php Yue Zhang 張月
2022 英語世界《三國演義》本體研究近況(2010—2019年)——以田曉菲、羅慕士、葛良彥、辛兆坤的研究為中心. Academic Journal of Beijing Normal University 勵耘學刊 (CSSCI), sponsored by Beijing Normal University 北京師範大學, 2 (2022): 315-333. Yue Zhang 張月
2022 Zhou, M., & Liu, SD. 2022. Be my boss: Migrant youth and the contradiction of hope labour on Kuaishou. New Media & Society Shih-Diing Liu 劉世鼎
2022 Tan, Yan and Liu, SD. 2022. ‘Witnessing #MeToo in Japan’. Feminist Media Studies. Shih-Diing Liu 劉世鼎
2022 Song, Lin and Liu, SD. 2022. “Demobilizing and Reorienting Online Emotions: China’s Emotional Governance during the COVID-19 Outbreak”. Asian Studies Review. Shih-Diing Liu 劉世鼎
2022 Liu, SD and Shi, Wei. 2022. ‘Why is reconciliation impossible?’. Made in China Journal 6 (3): 127-132. Shih-Diing Liu 劉世鼎
2022 – Moreira, J. I., (2022), Arbitration vis-à-vis other ‘Professions’: A sociology of professions’ account of international commercial arbitrators, in Journal of Law and Society, 49(1), 48-70. João Ilhão Moreira
2022 – Moreira, J. I., (2022), The Insider/Outsider Divide and the Ethics of Commercial Arbitrators, in Manchester Journal of International Economic Law, 19(2), 132-154. João Ilhão Moreira
2022 – Moreira, J. I., (2022), Macau’s Approach to the Emergency Arbitrator, in Comparative Law Journal of the Pacific, Volume XXVI, Special Issue, 169-182. João Ilhão Moreira
2022 – Moreira, J. I. & Li, R. Z. (2022), Macau Gaming Operators and the Pandemic: Corporate Social Responsibility is Changing, in Gaming Law Review, 26(1), 335-340. João Ilhão Moreira
2022 – Moreira, J. I. & Dermawan, F. (2022), A Tutela Cautelar na Nova Lei de Arbitragem de Macau, Boletim da Faculdade de Direito da Universidade de Macau, 49 João Ilhão Moreira
2022 – Moreira, J. I., (2022), O controle não jurídico da função de árbitro: mercado, reputação e cultura, in Bruno Guandalini and Carlos Eduardo Stefen Elias, A Função do Árbitro no Brasil, Almedina, pp. 675-689. João Ilhão Moreira
2022 Hierarchy and Identity: A Daoist Response to Bell and Wang.” Ethical Perspectives 29:4 (2022). 422-438. DOI: 10.2143/EP.29.4.3291688 Hans-Georg Moeller
2022 “Beyond Originality: The Birth of Profilicity from the Spirit of Postmodernity.” Kritike 16:2 (December 2022). 1-15 Hans-Georg Moeller
2022 “Before and After Comparative Philosophy.” Asian Studies 10: 3 (2022). 201-224. Hans-Georg Moeller
2022 “Humor and its Philosophical Significance in the Zhuangzi. In: Kim-Chong Chong (ed.) Dao Companion to the Philosophy of the Zhuangzi. New York: Springer. 2022. 287-304 Hans-Georg Moeller
2022 Sparse online kernelized actor-critic Learning in reproducing kernel Hilbert space Zhenning Li
2022 A force-driven model for passenger evacuation in bus fires Zhenning Li
2022 An Intelligent Train Operation Method Based on Event-Driven Deep Reinforcement Learning Zhenning Li
2022 Art & Design Research (CSSCI, China) Yiqing Li
2022 Fine Arts (CSSCI, China) Yiqing Li
2022 Zhang, M. X., Lam., L. W., & Wu, A. M. S. 2022. “Recovery experiences protect emotionally exhausted white-collar workers from gaming addiction.”  International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19:12543. (DOI: 10.3390/ijerph191912543) Rico Long Wai LAM 林朗為
2022 Zhao, L., Lam, L. W., Zhu, J. N. Y., & Zhao, S. 2022. “Doing it purposely? Mediation of moral disengagement in the relationship between illegitimate tasks and counterproductive work behavior.” Journal of Business Ethics, 179(3): 733-747. Rico Long Wai LAM 林朗為
2022 Chi, N.-W. & Lam, L. W.  2022. “Is negative group affective tone always bad for team creativity? Team trait learning goal orientation as the boundary condition.” Group and Organization Management, 47(1): 72-108. Rico Long Wai LAM 林朗為
2022 McMackin, J. F, Chiles, T. H., & Lam, L. W. 2022. “Integrating variable risk preferences, trust, and transaction cost economics –  25 years on: reflections in memory of Oliver Williamson.” Journal of Institutional Economics, 18: 253-268. Rico Long Wai LAM 林朗為
2022 Zhuo Qiao, Yan Wang and Keith Lam (2022), New evidence on Bayesian tests of global factor pricing models, Journal of Empirical Finance, Vol. 68, 160-172. Zhuo Qiao
2022 Ephraim Clark and Zhuo Qiao* (2022), The post-SOX comparative dynamics of public accounting firm efficiency, Accounting Research Journal, Vol. 35 (2), 178-195. Zhuo Qiao
2022 Fai Lim Loi, Zhuo Qiao* (2022), The effects of a structural reform on corporate outcomes in China: a generalized propensity score matching approach. Emerging Markets Finance and Trade, 58 (6), 1590–1601. Zhuo Qiao
2022 Ephraim Clark and Zhuo Qiao* (2022), Stock exchange efficiency and convergence: International evidence, Annals of Operations Research, Springer, Vol. 313, 855-875. Zhuo Qiao
2022 Role of residential college participation in sense of belonging and academic learning Mingming Zhou
2022 Dance in Zoom: Using video conferencing tools to develop students’ 4C skills and self-efficacy during COVID-19 Mingming Zhou
2022 Validation of an adolescent version of the Parental Meta-Emotion Philosophy Scale Mingming Zhou
2022 Tracking public opinion about online education over COVID-19 Mingming Zhou
2022  An Examination of the conceptual structure of long-term goal striving Mingming Zhou
2022 Rational and irrational beliefs: A metacognitive perspective of academic procrastination Mingming Zhou
2022 Grit and academic achievement: A comparative cross-cultural meta-analysis Mingming Zhou
2022  Metacognition and academic procrastination: A meta-analytical examination Mingming Zhou
2022  Validation of a simplified Chinese version of the 3×2 Achievement Goal Questionnaire (AGQ-S) Mingming Zhou
2022 Public opinion on MOOCs: Sentiment and content analyses of microblogging data Mingming Zhou
2022 矢沢久純、呉奇琦:《姓名に対する制限に関する諸外国の議論の状況(1)──特に漢字圏諸国・地区における議論を中心に──》,載日本北九州市立大学《法政論集》第50巻第1・2合併号(2022 年10 月),第89至104頁

Yazawa Hisazumi & Ng Kei Kei, Study on the Regulation of the Naming Right in the Chinese Character Cultural Sphere (1), in Journal of Law and Political Science (KITAKYUSHU SHIRITSU DAIGAKU HOU-SEI RONSHU), Vol. 50, No. 1/2, October 2022, University of Kitakyushu, Japan, pp. 89 – 104

Keikei Ng
2022 Xu, Jianhua, Siying He. Can grid governance fix the party-state’s broken windows?: A study of stability maintenance in grassroots China. The China Quarterly. 251: 843-865 Jianhua Xu
2022 Xu, Jianhua. 2022. “Review of Jeffery Martin, Sentiment, Reason and Law”, Asian Journal of Criminology. Jianhua Xu
2022 Xu, Jianhua. “Review of Suzanne Scoggins, Policing China: Street-level Cops in the Shadow of Protest”. China Information Jianhua Xu
2022 Qipu Hu, Anli Jiang, Donghong He, Siying He, Jianhua Xu*(corresponding author). The reflection of Criminology–The Comprehensive Review of British Journal of Criminology 2022 (2). Policing Studies, (胡启谱/蒋安丽/何冬红/何斯颍/徐建华* (通讯作者). 2022.“犯罪学的反思:《英国犯罪学》2022年第2期研究述评”,《警学研究》,第四期,页71-79) Jianhua Xu
2022 Haiyan Yang, Chen Shi, Qingyang Hong, Jianhua Xu*(corresponding author). 2022. The imagination of Criminology–The Comprehensive Review of British Journal of Criminology 2022 (1). Policing Studies, (杨海燕/史臣/洪清扬/徐建华. “犯罪学的想象力:《英国犯罪学》2022 年第 1 期研究述评”, 《警学研究》,第三期,页59-67) Jianhua Xu
2022 Ko-lin Chin, Sheldon Zhang, Tiantian Zheng, Sida Liu, Jianhua Xu*(corresponding author). 2022. The arts of fieldwork in criminology and legal studies. Policing Studies. (陈国霖/张晓东/郑田田/贺欣/刘思达/徐建华* (通讯作者). “犯罪学和法学的田野江湖”,《警学研究》,2022年第4期,页57-70) Jianhua Xu
2022 Min Xie, Lening Zhang, Lin Liu, Tianji Cai, Jianhua Xu*(corresponding author). Insights of quantitative criminology: sharing from distinguished scholars. Policing Studies. (谢敏/张乐宁/柳林/蔡天骥/徐建华* (通讯作者). 2022. “量化犯罪学的热闹与门道:杰出学者分享”,《警学研究》,2022年第4期,页47-56) Jianhua Xu
2022 Yu Mou, Yan Zhang, Enshen Li, Shuai Wei, Peng Wang, Bin Wang, Jianhua Xu* (corresponding author). The writing of first English criminological articles: reflection from a group of young scholars. Policing Studies (牟钰/张彦/李恩深/魏帅/王鹏/梁斌/徐建华* (通讯作者). 2022. “人生的第一篇英文犯罪学论文:一群青年学者的分享与反思”,《警学研究》,2022年第4期,页32-46) Jianhua Xu
2022 “State capitalism in ASEAN: The state-owned enterprises under the ASEAN regional competition policy” in Asian Yearbook of International Economic Law 2022, 193-203 Alexandr Svetlicinii
2022 “China’s defense against secondary sanctions: lessons from the EU blocking statute” Journal of International Trade Law and Policy 21(3): 217-239 Alexandr Svetlicinii
2022 “Ownership-neutral or ownership-blind? The case of Polish state-owned enterprises in EU merger control” Journal of Antitrust Enforcement 10(3): 547-568 Alexandr Svetlicinii
2022 “Consolidation of the State-Owned Enterprises in China: A Missed Opportunity for the EU Merger Control?” Journal of European Competition Law & Practice 13(1): 17-28 Alexandr Svetlicinii
2022 “The Belt and Road Initiative and state-owned enterprises” Is it time for reform of the EU merger control?” in European Union and China’s Belt and Road: Impact, Engagement and Competition (Routledge), 96-113 Alexandr Svetlicinii
2022 VELOSO, João. 2022. Fonologia e Ortografia do Português Europeu. In: C. F. P. Nadalim, R. A. Alves e I. Leite (Eds.). Ensino da Leitura e da Escrita Baseado em Evidências. Porto: Fundação Belmiro de Azevedo, 65-81. João VELOSO
2022 AMORIM, Clara; FERNANDES, Ana Isabel; VELOSO, João; SILVA, Fátima. 2022. A produção dos róticos do português europeu por falantes nativos de cantonês. In: T. Zingaro Kuhn et al. (Eds.). Português Língua Pluricêntrica. Das teorias às práticas. Campinas SP: Pontes Editores, 396-431. João VELOSO
2022 Veloso, João. 2022. A vista da ponte das pessoas que vão em fila a caminho do céu: Um relance sobre a composicionalidade das palavras complexas do chinês e do português. Linguística. Revista de Estudos Linguísticos da Universidade do Porto. Special issue: 177-198. João VELOSO
2022 Ting-mien Lee. “Can Confucianism Morally Justify the Just Hierarchies? Mohismt as An Alternative Solution.” Book Symposium on Danial A. Bell and Wang Pei’s Just Hierarchy: Why Social Hierarchy Matters in China and the Rest of the World, edited by Demin Duan (Peking University), Renren Chen (Huhan University), and Luís Cordeiro-Rodrigues (Hunan University). A special Issues of the journal of Ethical Perspectives vol. 29, Issue 4, pp. 439-453. Ting-mien Lee
2022 Ting-mien Lee. “State Ideology and Propaganda with Chinese Characteristics: The Hidden Struggle between Confucianism and Marxism in Contemporary China.” Kritike: An Online Journal of Philosophy vol. 16, no.2, pp. 54-75. Ting-mien Lee
2022 Ting-mien Lee. Co-authored with Luís Cordeiro-Rodrigues, “The Morality of Vengeance: Confucianism and Tutuism in Dialogue.” Philosophical Forum, Vol.53, Issue 1, pp. 11-29. Ting-mien Lee
2022 Ting-mien Lee. Co-authored with Carine Defoort. “Being and Becoming: The Many Portrayals of Yang Zhu.” The Many Lives of Yang Zhu: A Historical Overview: pp. 1-17. New York: SUNY. Ting-mien Lee
2022 Ting-mien Lee. “Yang Zhu and Mozi as Critics of Unification Warfare.” The Many Lives of Yang Zhu: A Historical Overview: 47-77. New York: SUNY. Ting-mien Lee
2021 戴維斯陶淵明英譯副文本的學術和問題意識, The Humanities Journal 人文論叢 (CSSCI), Sponsored by Wuhan University 武漢大學, 1 (2021): 101-110. Yue Zhang 張月
2021 英語世界《三國演義》與通俗文化研究之譯評(2010—2019)Yangtze Academics 長江學術 (CSSCI), sponsored by Wuhan University 武漢大學, 4 (2021): 19-27. Yue Zhang 張月
2021 Zhou, M and Liu, SD. 2021. ‘Becoming precarious playbours’. The Economic and Labour Relations Review 32 (3): 322-340. Shih-Diing Liu 劉世鼎
2021 – Moreira, J. I. & Vecellio Segate, R. (2021), The ‘It’ Arbitrator: Why Do Corporations Not Act as Arbitrators?, in Journal of International Dispute Settlement, 12(4), 525-557. João Ilhão Moreira
2021 “Political New Sincerity and Profilicity: On the Decline of Identity Politics and Authenticity.” Co-authored with Paul J. D’Ambrosio. Philosophy Today 65: 1 (Winter 2021). 105-123. Hans-Georg Moeller
2021 “The General Peer: The Public Sphere in the Age of Profilicity (Profile-based Identity).” Kybernetes 50: 4 (2021). 994-1003. Hans-Georg Moeller
2021 Network-wide traffic signal control optimization using a multi-agent deep reinforcement learning Zhenning Li
2021 Fusion convolutional neural network-based interpretation of unobserved heterogeneous factors in driver injury severity outcomes in single-vehicle crashes Zhenning Li
2021 Modern Chinese Literature and Culture (A&HCI, SSCI, USA) Yiqing Li
2021 Yishu: Journal of Contemporary Chinese Art (ESCI, Canada) Yiqing Li
2021 Zhang, I. D., Lam, L. W., Dong, L., & Zhu, J. N. Y. 2021 “Can embedded employees be satisfied? – The role of job crafting and goal-striving orientations.” Journal of Business and Psychology, 36: 435-447. Rico Long Wai LAM 林朗為
2021 Qualitative exploration of Chinese students’ perspectives on long-term goal striving Mingming Zhou
2021  STEM teachers’ preparedness, teaching belief and perceived teaching competence: A multigroup structural equation approach Mingming Zhou
2021 吳奇琦:《普塔法學方法論的“秩序”觀念:德國18世紀法學的新嘗試》,載《中德私法研究》第20卷,北京大學出版社,2021,第177至203頁(CSSCI)

Ng Kei Kei, Der Ordnungsgedanke in Pütters Rechtsmethodik: Ein neuer Versuch der deutschen Rechtswissenschaft des 18. Jahrhunderts, in Archiv für chinesisch-deutsches Privatrecht, 20, Peking University Press, 2021, S. 177 – S. 203 (CSSCI)

Keikei Ng
2021 唐曉晴、吳奇琦:《澳門地區民法上個人信息保護權的體系定位》,載《國家檢察官學院學報》2021年第5期(第29卷、總第155期),第75至88頁(CSSCI),並獲中國「人大複印資料」轉載

Tong Io Cheng & Ng Kei Kei, The Systematic Integration of Right to Personal Data Protection in Macau Civil Law, in Journal of National Prosecutors College, 2021 (5) (Vol. 29, № 155), pp. 75 – 88 (CSSCI), selected as China Social Science Excellence by Renmin University of China

Keikei Ng
2021 Xu, Jianhua, Guyu Sun, Wei Cao, Wenyuan Fan, Zhihao Pan, Zhaoyu Yao, Han Li. Stigma, discrimination and hate crimes in Chinese-speaking world amid Covid-19 pandemic. Asian Journal of Criminology. 16: 51–74 Jianhua Xu
2021 Xu, Jianhua. Climbing the protest pyramid: a situational analysis of the resistance of rickshaw drivers in Guangzhou, China. International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology, 65(4): 318-345 Jianhua Xu
2021 Xu, Jianhua. Macau under Covid-19. Macau Studies.  (徐建华. 2021. “疫情之下的澳門” 《澳门研究,第3期,页12-15) Jianhua Xu
2021 Xu, Jianhua, Tang In Lao, Guyu Sun, Zhaoyu Yao. How Covid-19 affects crimes in Macao: A routine activity perspective. Macau Studies. (徐建华/刘腾然/孙顾宇/姚昭宇(2021) “从日常活动理论看新冠疫情对澳门犯罪的影响”,《澳门研究》第3期,页16-33) Jianhua Xu
2021 Anli Jiang, Qipu Hu, Donghong He, Chen Shi, Jianhua Xu* (corresponding author). The new frontline of criminological research. Policing Studies, 2021(2): 61-68 (蒋安丽/胡启谱/何冬红/史臣/徐建华* (通讯作者).(2021)“开创犯罪学研究的新天地”,《警学研究》,第2期,61-68 Jianhua Xu
2021 “From Norms to Expectations: Balancing Trade and Security Interests in the Post-COVID-19 World” Manchester Journal of International Economic Law 18(2): 162-191 Alexandr Svetlicinii
2021 “The Interactions of Competition Law and Investment Law: The Case of Chinese State-Owned Enterprises and EU Merger Control Regime” in Handbook of International Investment Law and Policy (Springer), 2055-2076 Alexandr Svetlicinii
2021 “Cultural Heritage Divided by (International) Law: The Case of North Macedonia” International Journal for the Semiotics of Law 34(3): 839-859 Alexandr Svetlicinii
2021 “The European Flag in Non-EU Countries: “United in Diversity”? in Law and Visual Jurisprudence (Springer), 285-307 Alexandr Svetlicinii
2021 VELOSO, João. 2021. Prosodic and Musical Prominence in Portuguese Folk Verse. In: T. Chernigovskaya, P. Eismont, T. Petrova (Eds.). Language, Music and Gesture: Informational Crossroads. Singapore: Springer, 159-165. João VELOSO
2021 AMORIM, Clara; VELOSO, João. 2021. Laterais do Português Europeu Contemporâneo: estruturação interna, robustez de traços e dados da aquisição. Revista da Associação Portuguesa de Linguística. 8: 1-9. João VELOSO
2021 Ting-mien Lee. “Academic Discourse of Chinese Philosophy and 21st Century China Studies — the Case of Confucian Views on War of Revenge.” Kritike: An Online Journal of Philosophy 15(3), pp. 64-80. (Scopus) Ting-mien Lee
2021 Ting-mien Lee. “A Preliminary Overview of Kang Youwei Studies in China Today.” Oriens Extremus, 58, pp. 175-190. Ting-mien Lee
2021 Ting-mien Lee. “蘸墨绘孔:墨子与康有为的‘孔子创教改制’说.” 現代哲學 Modern Philosophy, 2021 vol. 1, 144-149. Ting-mien Lee
2021 Ting-mien Lee. “To Become the King of All under Heaven: Mengzi as a Strategist of Regime Subversion,” Critique, Subversion, and Chinese Philosophy: Sociopolitical, Conceptual, and Methodological Challenges: pp. 89-98. London: Bloomsbury. Ting-mien Lee
2020 論宇文所安詠史懷古詩的研究方法與視角, Yangtze Academics 長江學術 (CSSCI), sponsored by Wuhan University 武漢大學, 3 (2020): 50-58. Yue Zhang 張月
2020 Shi Wei and Liu, SD. 2020. ‘Pride as structure of feeling: Wolf Warrior II and the National Subject of the “Chinese Dream”’, Chinese Journal of Communication 13(3): 329-343. Shih-Diing Liu 劉世鼎
2020 Liu, SD, 2020. ‘Book Review: Illiberal China’, China Information 34 (1): 140-141. Shih-Diing Liu 劉世鼎
2020 – Moreira, J. I., (2020), The Limits to Voluntary Arbitration in Establishing a ‘Fair’, ‘Independent’ and ‘Accessible’ Dispute Resolution Mechanism Outside Large Contractual Disputes, in Leonardo V.P. Oliveira and Sara Hourani, Access to Justice in Arbitration, Wolters Kluwer, pp.  59-74 João Ilhão Moreira
2020 – Moreira, J. I., (2020), The Limits to Voluntary Arbitration in Establishing a ‘Fair’, ‘Independent’ and ‘Accessible’ Dispute Resolution Mechanism Outside Large Contractual Disputes, in Leonardo V.P. Oliveira and Sara Hourani, Access to Justice in Arbitration, Wolters Kluwer, pp.  59-74 João Ilhão Moreira
2020 Chark, R., Lam, L. W. & Fong, L. H. N. 2020. “Morning larks travel more than night owls? Chronotypical effect on travel frequency through novelty seeking.” Tourism Management, 77, Article 104035: 1-11. Rico Long Wai LAM 林朗為
2020 Lin, C., Li, X. & Lam, L. W. 2020. “Development or maintenance? Dual-oriented HR system, employee achievement motivation, and work well-being.” Human Resource Management, 59(4): 311-325 (lead article). Rico Long Wai LAM 林朗為
2020 Lin, X. W., Lam, L. W., & Zhang, L. L. 2020. “The curvilinear relationship between job satisfaction and employee voice: Speaking up for the organization and the self.” Asia Pacific Journal of Management, 37: 587-607. Rico Long Wai LAM 林朗為
2020 Ephraim Clark and Zhuo Qiao* (2020), The value premium puzzle, behavior versus risk: New evidence from China, Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance, 76, 12-21. Zhuo Qiao
2020 Zhuo Qiao* and Hao Chen (2020), Club convergence analysis of regional ecological efficiency in China, Pacific Economic Review, 25 (3), 384-401. Zhuo Qiao
2020 A serial mediation model of growth mindset, life satisfaction, perceived distress and as predictors of perseverance of effort Mingming Zhou
2020  Chinese students’ intentions to use the Internet for learning Mingming Zhou
2020 Gender differences in procrastination: The role of personality traits Mingming Zhou
2020 吳奇琦:《法律行為三元素(要素、常素、偶素)理論的誕生發展史》,載《交大法學》2020年第2期,第32至61頁(CSSCI)

Ng Kei Kei, The Origin and Development of the Trichotomy of Essentialia, Naturalia and Accidentialia Negotii, in SJTU Law Review, 2020 (2), pp. 32-61 (CSSCI)

Keikei Ng
2020 吳奇琦:《現代法上主體客體理論的發展、困境與出路:哲學的新路,法學的迷路?》,載《澳門法學》2020年第1期(總第42期),第142至161頁

Ng Kei Kei, The Development, Difficulties and Solution of the “Subject-Object Dualism” in Modern Law: Law lost its way while Philosophy had a new way?,  in Macau Law Review, 2020 (1) (n.º 42), pp. 142 – 161

Keikei Ng
2020 Xu, Jianhua, Qipu Hu and Anli Jiang. Authoritarian Capitalism and Policing Studies in China, Pp.391-406, in Handbook of Public Administration in China, edited by Xiaowei Zang & Hon S. Chan, Edward Elgar Publishing Jianhua Xu
2020 Xu, Jianhua & Weidi Liu. 2020. Public criminology in China: neither public nor criminology, Pp.152-162, in Routledge Handbook on Public Criminologies, edited by Kathryn Henne and Rita Shah, London and New York: Routledge Jianhua Xu
2020 “State-Controlled Entities in the EU Merger Control: the Case of PKN Orlen and Lotos Group” Yearbook of Antitrust and Regulatory Studies 13(22): 189-209 Alexandr Svetlicinii
2020 “Sustainable Development and the New Development (BRICS) Bank: The Contribution of the BRICS Countries” in Governing China in the 21st Century (Palgrave Macmillan), 119-147 Alexandr Svetlicinii
2020 VELOSO, João. 2020. Old Hydronymy in Northern Portugal: Digging for the Roots of ‘Almorode’. In: H. Bichlmeier, O. Šefčík, R. Sukač (Eds.). Etymologus. Festschrift for Václav Blažek. Hamburg: Baar-Verlag, pp. 397-401. João VELOSO
2020 MONTEIRO, Carla Cristina F.; VIANA, Fernanda Leopoldina; VELOSO, João. 2020. Desenho de um programa didático de desenvolvimento da competência comunicativa oral (CCO): Uma visão sociocultural da linguagem. In: A. Jr Nunes da Silva (Ed.). Educação: Agregando, Incluindo e Almejando Oportunidades 5. Ponta Grossa – Paraná: Atena, 110-125. João VELOSO
2020 VELOSO, João. 2020. Conhecimento ortográfico e representações fonológicas em português. In: S. N. Salomão (Ed.). Temas da Língua Portuguesa: do Pluricentrismo à Didática. Roma: Nuova Cultura, 91-103. João VELOSO
2020 VELOSO, João. 2020. O fonema: categoria percetiva e categoria descritiva. Na interação entre processamento de dados linguísticos, descrição linguística e conhecimento linguístico em construção. Linguística. Revista de Estudos Linguísticos da Universidade do Porto. Special issue: 291-321. João VELOSO
2020 Ting-mien Lee. “‘Ru-Mo’ and ‘Kong-Mo’ in Late Imperial Confucian Controversy.” Oriens Extremus 57, pp. 315-340. Ting-mien Lee
2020 Ting-mien Lee. “Ideological Orthodoxy, State Doctrine or Art of Governance? The ‘Victory of Confucianism’ Revisited in Contemporary Chinese Scholarship.” Contemporary Chinese Thought 51(2): 79-95. Ting-mien Lee
2020 Ting-mien Lee. “The Role of Mohism in Kang Youwei’s Arguments for His New-Text Theory of Confucianism.” Dao: A Journal of Comparative Philosophy 19(3), 461-477. Ting-mien Lee
2020 Ting-mien Lee. Triumph of Confucianism, Special Issue of Contemporary Chinese Thought 51(2). Ting-mien Lee
2019 Shi Wei and Liu, SD. 2019. ‘The obstacles to Mainland-Hong Kong reconciliation: A comparative analysis of emotional structures of feeling’中港和解的障碍:一个情感结构的比较分析, Taiwan: A Radical Quarterly in Social Studies 113 台湾社会研究季刊 113: 127-166. Shih-Diing Liu 劉世鼎
2019 Liu, SD. 2019. ‘East Asia as subject: Entering Baik Young-seo’s thinking’東亞作為主體:進入白永瑞的思考. Reflexion 思想 38, p. 327-337. Shih-Diing Liu 劉世鼎
2019 Liu, SD. 2019. ‘Urban public space and local cultural autonomy with Chinese characteristics: Review of Wang Di’s two books on Chengdu teahouse’ 中國特色的都市公共空間與地方文化自主性:評介王笛兩本書《茶館:成都的公共生活和微觀世界1900-1950》及The Teahouse under Socialism: The Decline and Renewal of Public Life in Chengdu, 1950–2000. Router: A Journal of Cultural Studies文化研究 29: 301-313. Shih-Diing Liu 劉世鼎
2019 – Moreira, J. I., (2019), A nulidade de contratos como consequência da violação das normas de direito da concorrência, in Boletim da Faculdade de Direito da Universidade de Coimbra, 95(1), João Ilhão Moreira
2019 New  Vision Yiqing Li
2019 Lam, L. W. & Xu, J. 2019. “Power imbalance and employee silence: The role of abusive leadership, power distance orientation, and perceived organizational politics.” Applied Psychology: An International Review. 68(3): 513-546. (doi: 10.1111/apps.12170) (SSCI; ABS3) Rico Long Wai LAM 林朗為
2019 Lam, L. W., Chuang, A., Wong, C. S. & Zhu, J. N. Y. 2019. “A typology of three-way interaction models: Applications and suggestions for Asian management research.” Asia Pacific Journal of Management,  36 (1): 1-16. Rico Long Wai LAM 林朗為
2019 Zhu, J. N. Y., Lam, L. W., and Lai, J. Y. M. 2019.  “Returning good for evil: A study of customer incivility and extra-role customer service.” International Journal of Hospitality Management, 81: 65-72. Rico Long Wai LAM 林朗為
2019 Zhuo Qiao and Zhaohua Li (2019), Do foreign institutional investors enhance firm innovation in China? Applied Economics Letters, 26(13), 1125-1128. Zhuo Qiao
2019 Zhuo Qiao* and Kuntara Pukthuanthong (2019), Has the difference in stock liquidity and stock returns between Chinese state owned and privately owned enterprises become smaller? Finance Research Letters, March, 28, 39-44. Zhuo Qiao
2019 The role of personality traits and need for cognition in active procrastination Mingming Zhou
2019  Using e-portfolios to facilitate reflection: Insights from an activity theoretical analysis Mingming Zhou
2019 Interventions to promote learners’ intercultural competence: A systematic review Mingming Zhou
2019 Metacognitive scaffolding for online information search in K-12 and higher education settings: A systematic review Mingming Zhou
2019  Factors that influence university students’ intention to use Moodle: A study in Macau Mingming Zhou
2019 Relations of multivariate goal profiles to motivation, epistemic beliefs and achievement Mingming Zhou
2019 Factors affecting Chinese English as a foreign language teachers’ technology acceptance: A qualitative study Mingming Zhou
2019 Online social networking and subjective well-being: Mediating effects of envy and fatigue Mingming Zhou
2019 Blended mobile learning in theater arts classrooms in higher education Mingming Zhou
2019 Examining the relationship between grit and academic achievement within K-12 and higher education: A systematic review Mingming Zhou
2019 Xu, Jianhua, Anli Jiang. Police civilianization and the production of underclass violence: the case of para-police chengguan and street vendors in Guangzhou, China. The British Journal of Criminology, 59(1):64-84. Jianhua Xu
2019 “Off-label use of medicines under scrutiny: Between competition law and pharma regulations” Medicine and Law 38(2): 165-182 Alexandr Svetlicinii
2019 VELOSO, João. 2019. Phonology and Writing: Can we look at written productions to “see the unseeable” in phonology?. Loquens. 6(1): 1-12. João VELOSO
2019 VELOSO, João. 2019. Complex Segments in Portuguese: The Unbearable Heaviness of Being Palatal. In: I. Epelde Zendoia, O. Jauregi Nazabal (Eds.). Bihotz ahots. M. L. Oñederra irakaslearen omenez. Bilbao: Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea, 513-526. João VELOSO
2019 VELOSO, João. 2019. Assimilação vocálica, coloração e coalescência em sequências V1V2 na diacronia e na sincronia do português: uma proposta descritiva baseada na fonologia dos elementos. In: E. Carrilho et al. (Eds.). Estudos Linguísticos e Filológicos Oferecidos a Ivo Castro. Lisboa: Centro de Linguística da Universidade de Lisboa, 1515-1540. João VELOSO
2019 VELOSO, João. 2019. Que conhecimento explícito da área da fonética/fonologia trabalhar nos ensinos básico e secundário?. Revista da Associação Portuguesa de Linguística. 5: 65-74. João VELOSO
2019 Ting-mien Lee. “《莊子天道》中的”仁義”與”兼愛”:倫理學的概念抑或帝王師的謀略,” 鄧安慶主編《伦理学术:黑格尔的正义论与后习俗伦理》第六卷, 頁269-283. 上海:上海教育出版社. Ting-mien Lee
類別 出版年份 著作名稱 作者
Book reviews, scholarly magazine and newspaper articles 2024 Liu, SD. 2024. 2023年东亚阅读书目谓无名. https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/fbe61uvME_s0RFUX3cG0pQ (2024.1.5) Shih-Diing Liu 劉世鼎
Book Chapters 2023 Liu, SD and Song, L. 2023. ‘Network struggle in China’ in The Right to Resist: Philosophies of Dissent, edited by T. Byrne and M. Wenning. Bloomsbury, p.157-172. Shih-Diing Liu 劉世鼎
Conference Proceedings 2023 吳奇琦:《錯誤生命之訴的悖論與要件:澳門地區民法的經驗》,載「第18屆海峽兩岸暨香港、澳門民法典論壇」研討會論文集,中國法學會民法學研究會、中國人民大學民商事法律科學研究中心、台灣東吳大學、西南政法大學,2023年

Ng Kei Kei, The Paradoxes and Elements of Wrongful Life Actions: The Experience in Macau Civil Law, in the conference paper collection “The 18th Mainland-Taiwan-Hong Kong-Macao Civil Code Forum”, Civil Law Research Society of China Law Society, Civil and Commercial Legal Research Center of Renmin University of China, Soochow University of Taiwan, Southwest University of Political Science and Law, 2023

Keikei Ng
Conference Proceedings 2023 吳奇琦:《羅馬法與中世紀法加工理論中的亞里士多德本體(substantia)與本質(essentia)哲學:從Sabinus與Proculus學派,到注釋法學派與評注法學派》,載「第五屆全國羅馬法青年論壇:民法典時代的羅馬法與比較民法研究」研討會論文集,2023

Ng Kei Kei, The Aristotelian Substantialism and Essentialism in the Roman and Medieval Specificatio Law Theory: From the Sabinians and Proculians, to the Glossators and Commentators, in the conference paper collection “The 5th National Roman Law Youth Forum: Diritto Romano e Diritto Civile Comparato nell’Epoca di Codice Civile Cinese”, 2023

Keikei Ng
Book reviews, scholarly magazine and newspaper articles 2022 Liu, SD, 2022, We need a new language to describe the Russo-Ukrainian War 我们需要新的语言去描述俄乌战争, Pour Marx保马, https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/fN6c1Ld55hjB15haSksZ8w (2022.3.6) Shih-Diing Liu 劉世鼎
Conference Proceedings 2022 SILVA, F.; VELOSO, J.; FERNANDES, A. I.; MARTINS, I.; REGADAS, N.; SEIXAS, A. 2022. LMOOC Introduction to Portuguese: Design, Implementation, Evaluation. Proceedings of EDULEARN22 Conference, 4575-4583. João VELOSO