Unit University of Macau
Faculty/Department Faculty of Social Sciences
Highest Education PhD in Philosophy, Chinese University of Hong Kong, China
Visiting Period 2021/09 to 2022/09
Research Interest
  • Behavioral addiction (e.g., gambling disorder, gaming disorder, Internet addiction, problematic smartphone use, and excessive spending)
  • Alcohol and other substance use
  • Posthumous organ donation
  • Physical and mental wellbeing of Chinese elderly

Signature Publications

  • Yang, X., Song, B., Wu, A. M. S., Mo, P. K. H., Di., J. L., Q. Wang#, Lau, J. T. F. Lau, Wang, L. H., & Wang, L. H. (2021). Social, cognitive, and eHealth mechanisms of COVID-19–related lockdown and mandatory quarantine that potentially affect the mental health of pregnant women in China: Cross-sectional survey study. Journal of Medical Internet Research, 23(1), e24495. Full text available at https://www.jmir.org/2021/1/e24495/
  • Wang, Q., Song B., Di J., Yang, X., Wu, A. M. S., Lau, J. T. F., Wang, L., Mo, P.K.H.# (2021). Intention to seek mental health services during the COVID-19 period among Chinese pregnant women with probable depression or anxiety: Cross-sectional, Web-based survey study. JMIR Mental Health, 8(2):e24162. doi:10.2196/24162 Full-text is available at https://mental.jmir.org/2021/2/e24162
  • Tang, C. S., Gan, Y. Q., Ko, J. H. C., Kwon, J. H., Wu, A. M. S., Yan, E. C. W., & Yogo, M. (2021). The associations among emotional factors, personality traits, and addiction-like eating: A study on university students in six Asian countries/regions. International Journal of Eating Disorders, 54(2), 125-131.