Contact Information
Office: E34-3003
Tel: (853) 8822 8517


Ph.D., in Classical Chinese literature, Peking University,2001

Research interests

Classical Chinese literature(Pre-Qin and Han dynasty)

Imperial examination in the Ming and Qing dynasties

Tsinghua University Press, Aug 2001-Aug 2024

Researcher (Professor), Center for Classical Chinese Studies, Tsinghua University, Apr 2008-Present

Adjunct Professor, Beijing Foreign Studies University, Feb 2021-Jan 2024


淮南子考論 [Study on Huainanzi]. (Beijing: Peking University Press,2009),(243 pages)

說漢賦 [Comments on Fu in Han Dynasty].(Beijing: Encyclopedia of China Publishing House, 2010)(138 pages)

淮南子今注[Modern Annotation on Huainanzi].(Nanjing: Jiangsu Phoenix Publishing House,2013) (477 pages)

兩漢文選[Selection and Annotation on Literary Works of  Han Dynasty]. (Beijing: Beijing United Publishing Company, 2013) (340 pages)

澹軒文集校注[Proofreading and Annotation on Danxuanwenji]. (Ji’nan: Shandong People’s Publishing House, 2015) (790 pages)

澹軒文集今注 [Modern Annotation on Danxuanwenji]. (Ji’nan: Shandong People’s Publishing House, 2018) (580 pages)

明代歷科狀元策彙編 [A Compilation of the Articles Zhuangyuan Ce in Ming Dynasty]. (Beijing: Peking University Press, 2020) (573 pages)

淮南子校注[Proofreading and Annotation on Huainanzi]. (Nanjing: Jiangsu Phoenix Publishing House, 2020) (934 pages)

清代歷科狀元策彙編[A Compilation of the Articles Zhuangyuan Ce in Qing Dynasty].(Beijing: Peking University Press,  2021) (792 pages)

中國古典文學叢書•漢賦 [Chinese Classical Literature Series: Fu or Poetic Expositions in Han Dynasty]. (Shijiazhuang: Hebei Education Press, 2022) (202 pages)

先秦兩漢文史論集[A Collection of Studies on Chinese Literature and History of the Pre-Qin and Han Dynasty].(Hong Kong: China Contemporary Education Press,2023) (303 pages)

馬愉及科舉研究論集[A Collection of Studies on MaYu and Keju]. (Hong Kong: China Contemporary Education Press, 2023) (456 pages)

世德集校注[Proofreading and Annotation on Shideji]. (Hong Kong: China Contemporary Education Press, 2023) (226 pages)

Journal Articles

論《天問》對《淮南子》的影響 [Research on Heavenly Question’s Influence on Huainanzi]. Journal of Tsinghua University (Philosophy and Social Sciences), Issue 3, 2004, Page 60-62

劉安與《淮南子》關係考論 [Research on the Relationship between Liu An and Huainanzi]. Journal of Tsinghua University, Issue 3, 2006, Page 75-79

唐前《淮南子》流傳考論 [Research on the Circulation of Huainanzi before the Tang Dynasty]. Journal of Ludong University, Issue 1, 2007, Page 1-4

六十年來《淮南子》研究的回顧與反思 [Review and Reflection on the Study of HuaiNanzi in the Past Six Decades].文學遺產[Journal of Literary Heritage], Issue 6,2010, Page 137-148

《淮南子》的作者及劉安“謀反”案的再分析 [Re-analysis on the Author of Huainanzi and Liu An’s  ‘Rebellion’ Case]. 中華讀書報[China Reading Weekly],January 16, 2013

怎樣讀《淮南子》[How to Read Huainanzi].中華讀書報[China Reading Weekly], October 26, 2016

物換星移—《詩經》時間概念考釋 [Things Change over the Passing Years—Research on the Concept of Time in the Classic of Poetry]. Journal of Tsinghua University, Issue 3, 2010, Page73-79

豆棚桑麻:跨越時空的永恆—《七月》、《僮約》與《莊農日用雜字》的解讀[Eternal Threads of Rural Life: A Cross— Interpretation of the July, A Servant’s Contract, and Daily Miscellaneous Characters for Farming]. 文史知識[Chinese Literature and History], Issue 11,  2012, Page 27-35

漢賦“序”考辨[The Textual Research on Fu’s Forewords in Han Dynasty].Journal of Tsinghua University, Issue 3, 2018, Page 100-114

作為使節的司馬相如—淺談司馬相如對開發西南夷的貢獻[Sima Xiangru as an Envoy: Research on His Contributions to the Development of the Southwestern Barbarians]. 中華讀書報[China Reading Weekly], November 1, 2017

閱時取證,比采而推—簡論劉勰五言詩起源說及其對文學史研究的啟示[Research on Liu Xie’s Theory of the Origins of Five-character Poetry and Its Enlightenment for Literary History Study]. Journal of Zhenjiang college, Issue 2, 2010, Page 48-51

“緣情”與“言志”—中國古代詩歌中的情與理[Expressing Emotions and Articulating Aspirations—Emotion and Reason in Ancient Chinese Poetry]. 古典文學知識[The Knowledge of Classical Literature], Issue 3, 2014, Page 91-101


MaYu and Three Yangs. 中華讀書報[China Reading Weekly], May 28, 2014

狀元馬愉與宣德二年進士[Research on MaYu and Jinshi in the second year of  Xuande Era]. 文史知識[Chinese Literature and History], Issue 8, 2014, Page 52-58

馬愉年譜簡編[A Concise Chronology of MaYu]. Journal of Shandong University of Technology, Issue 3, 2014, Page 56-63

馬愉與南直隸士人交遊考[Research on MaYu’s Interactions with the Scholars from Nanzhili in Ming Dynasty].Journal of Nanjing University of Science and Technology, Issue 4, 2014, Page 64-69

馬愉與北方士人交遊考[Research on MaYu’s Interactions with the Northern Scholars in Ming Dynasty. Journal of Hebei Normal University, Issue 5,2014, Page 32-36

馬愉與《澹軒文集》[Research on MaYu and His Danxuanwenji]. 中國典籍與文化[Chinese Classics Culture], Issue 3, 2015, Page 150-156

馬愉與翰林院同仁的交往—以《送侍講學士馬先生詩》為例[Research on MaYu’s Interactions with His Colleagues in the Hanlin Academy]. 海岱學刊[Haidai Academic Journal], Issue 16(total), 2016 , Page 203-220

《澹軒文集》研究三題[Three Topics on Danxuanwenji]. 中國典籍與文化[Chinese Classics Culture], Issue 2, 2021, Page 21-25

宣德丁未進士考[Research on the Jinshi in the Second Year of the Xuande Era]. 古文獻整理與研究[Collation and Research of Ancient Documents (Vol.2), Zhonghua Book Company, November 2016, Page 44-86

都云狀元文章好,誰知個中有玄機—趙秉忠傳世狀元卷文本錯簡析疑[All Praise the Zhuangyuan’s Prose, But Who Knows the Mysteries Within — An Analysis of the Textual Errors in the  Zhuangyuanjuan by Zhao Bingzhong]. 中華讀書報[China Reading Weekly], April 4, 2018

馬嗣光其人其事考—兼補顧炎武詩文及年譜中相關注釋[Research on Ma Siguang’s Life and Experiences– A Supplement on the Annotation in Gu Yanwu’s Poems and Chronologies]. Journal of Macau Documentation and Information, Issue 1, 2019, Page 49-64

夏同龢狀元策研究二題[Two Topics on Xia Tonghe’s Zhuangyuan Ce]. Journal of Guizhou Education College, Issue 5,2020, Page 1-5

西北師大圖書館藏《狀元策》版本價值簡論[Research on the Value of the Edition of Zhuangyuan ce Collected in the Library of Northwest Normal University]. 絲綢之路[The Silk Road], Issue 4, 2020, Page 68-71

狀元文章何處尋—明代狀元策流傳考[Where to Find the Zhuangyuan ce–An Examination of the Circulation of Zhuangyuan Ce in Ming Dynasty. 科舉學論叢[Journal of Imperial Examination Studies], Issue 2, 2022, Page 45-57

版本演變與時代信息—《歷科廷試狀元策》版本考[The Version Changes and the Information of Time–Research on the Versions of Like Tingshi Zhuangyuan Ce]. Journal of Macau Documentation and Information, Issue 2, 2022, Page 11-18

馮惟敏居鄉交遊考—兼論明代舉人的社交圈[Researchon Feng Weimin’s Social Interactions in His Hometown and the Social Circle of Juren in Ming Dynasty]. 古典文學研究[Study of Classical Literature], Issue1, 2023, Page 120-129

誰曾立馬此峰下—朱棣北征遺跡“玄石坡”及相關刻石考[Who Has Ever Stood on This Peak –Investigation of the ‘Black Stone Slope’ and Related Stone Carvings at the Site of Zhu Di’s Northern Conquest]. 中華讀書報[China Reading Weekly],  October 17, 2018

清華學人與山東大學古典文學學科[Scholars Graduated from Tsinghua University and the Chinese Classical Literature Study in  Shandong University]. 中華讀書報[China Reading Weekly], August 1, 2012

清華文學院的前世今生—1952年清華文學院素描[The Past and Present of the Faculty of Arts at Tsinghua University — Sketches of the Tsinghua Faculty of Arts in 1952]. 中華讀書報[China Reading Weekly], October 17, 2012

一史封皮三易色,此中甘苦費君探—費振剛教授《中國文學史》訪談錄[An Interview with Professor Fei Zhengang on the History of Chinese Literature].文藝研究[Literature and Art Studies], Issue 1, 2013, Page70-80(Cooperation with Professor Fang Ming)

尺素見情懷—從聞一多致游國恩信函看兩位先生之交誼[Research on Their Friendship through the Letters of Wen Yiduo to You Guo’en]. 中華讀書報[China Reading Weekly], August 19, 2020

酬唱寄友情—游國恩、蕭滌非二先生交誼考[Research on the Friendship between You Guo’en and Xiao Difei]. 中華讀書報[China Reading Weekly] March 31, 2021

謙謙君子卑自以牧—日記中所見朱自清先生的自省精神[The Modest and Humble Scholar: Research on Zhu Ziqing’s Self-Reflection in His Diaries]. 中華讀書報[China Reading Weekly], June 2, 2021

漢賦三書寫春秋—費振剛先生的賦學情懷[Writing History Through Three Books on Han Fu—Professor FeiZhengang’s Feelings about Hanfu Studies]. 光明日報[Guangming Daily], June 19, 2023